Gerd Ortner Advertising

Good ideas have a home.


Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH

Kunde: Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH
Standort: Frankfurt am Main
Branche: financial services

Unsere Leistungen: Branding and outdoor advertising concepts including wayfinding system, frosted glass film design

ubm Development Deutschland GmbH

Kunde: UBM Development
Standort: München
Branche: Real estate development and construction

Unsere Leistungen: Conception, real estate marketing, branding and outdoor advertising concepts including wayfinding systems

Our Clients: any size, any sector

The companies and institutions we take care of are from a wide range of industries - local and national. Our services range extends from project management to holistic support. Each customer and his specific tasks represents a motivating challenge for us.

And when can we welcome you and your business to our house?

Sinch Germany GmbH

Kunde: Sinch Schweden
Standort: München
Branche: Customer communication, E-Mail, Massaging

Unsere Leistungen: Wayfinding system, branding, frosted glass film design, coordination directly with the Swedish headquarters in Stockholm


Kunde: MSD Sharp & Dohme GmbH
Standort: München
Branche: Pharma

Unsere Leistungen: Conception of the wayfinding system, branding, frosted glass film design


Kunde: SEB Group
Standort: Frankfurt am Main
Branche: Financial sector

Unsere Leistungen: Conception of wayfinding and room signage, logo branding in the property

Matt optik

Customer: Matt optics
Location: Germany / Headquarters: Regensburg
Industry: Optician / audiologist chain store

Our services:
Planning and implementation of a wide range of illuminated signage and outdoor signage measures throughout the Federal territory.


Kunde: Worldline Germany GmbH
Standort: Frankfurt am Main
Branche: Financial service providers

Unsere Leistungen: Branding concepts including wayfinding system, frosted glass film design, information columns


Kunde: KANTAR Group
Standort: Nürnberg, München, Frankfurt am Main
Branche: Market research

Unsere Leistungen: LED logo advertising systems, wayfinding systems, foiling, high-quality wall panels

AXA Investment Managers

Kunde: AXA Gruppe
Standort: Frankfurt am Main
Branche: Insurance & wealth management

Unsere Leistungen: Conception of indoor branding, logos in the office, matt glass film design

Davos Klosters Mountains

Kunde: Davos Klosters Bergbahnen AG
Standort: Davos, Schweiz
Branche: tourism

Unsere Leistungen: Planning and conception of wayfinding systems for various hotels, large-format LED illuminated advertising systems

Nassauische Heimstätte Wohnstadt

Kunde: Nassauische Heimstätte Wohnstadt
Standort: Frankfurt am Main
Branche: property

Unsere Leistungen: Graphics and planning for different locations, branding, foil design, wayfinding systems and various labels

Kirsch und Haubner Immobilien

Client: Kirsch und Haubner Immobilien
Location: Neumarkt i.d.OPf.
Section: real estate agency

Our accomplishments: LED-Lichtwerbung, Immobilien-Exposés, Google Street View (360°-Tour), picture editing and production of acoustic images


Kunde: Covington & Burlington LLP
Standort: Frankfurt am Main
Branche: Commercial law firm

Unsere Leistungen: Signage and lettering, wayfinding system

Lamilux, Heinrich Strunz GmbH

Client: Lamilux, Heinrich Strunz GmbH
Location: Rehau, Frankfurt a. M.
Sector: daylight elements, building controll, fiber-reinforced plastic

Our accomplishments: conception, 3D-vizualiation, creating all means of communication material, POS–presentationdisplays


Client: Computershare
Location: worldwide
Sector: financial administration

Our accomplishments:
illuminated advertising, decor on glass, indoor signs, picture editing and production of acryl glas images

Jura Fenster und Türen

Client: Jura Kunstoff Fenster GmbH
Location: Neumarkt i.d.OPf.
Sector: Window and Doorproduction

Our accomplishments:
image brochure, extensive price lists, ads, Google Street View (360°-Tour), illuminatded advertising and outdoor advertising concepts, Social Media

Adesso AG

Customer: adesso AG
Location: Munich, Stuttgart
Industry: IT service provider

Our services:
Planning and implementation of various signage and signage concepts as well as indoor branding and design of new office space.

HENFLING Holzindustrie GmbH & Co. KG

Client: HENFLING Holzindustrie GmbH & Co. KG
Location: Ebelsbach, Mainfranken
Sector: timber industry

Our accomplishments: corporate design manual, image brochure, 8 sector brochures, web presence in responsive design


Kunde: Suppenlöffel Vitalfood GmbH
Standort: Nürnberg
Branche: Catering

Unsere Leistungen: Conception and design of the website, logo design


Client: Variotec GmbH & Co. KG
Location: Neumarkt i.d.OPf.
Sector: power-optimized building

Our accomplishments: corporate design manual, marketingbooklet, fotoshooting, web presence

Hermann Trollius GmbH

Client: Hermann Trollius GmbH
Location: Lauterhofen
Sector: crushed stone factory

Our accomplishments:
corporate design and manual, image brochure, responsive webdesign

Wirtschaftsjunioren Bayern e.V. und Wirtschaftsjunioren Deutschland e.V.

Client: Wirtschaftsjunioren Bayern e.V. and Wirtschaftsjunioren Germany e.V.
Location: Munich and Berlin
Sector: Economic Association

Our accomplishments:

corporate design, graphic design, pre-press, corporate publishing, issuing manifold print-communication material, stage design for delegate assembly

Neumarkter Lammsbräu

Customer: Neumarkter Lammsbräu
Location: Neumarkt
Industry: Brewery

Our services:
Branding, signage and realization of illuminated objects of various projects in cooperation with this famous brewery.


Customer: VIADA GmbH & Co.KG
Location: Germany / Dortmund
Industry: Software development & project realization

Our services:
Conception and programming of two internet portals in responsive design, photo shootings

Ludwig Kunststoffe GmbH & Co. KG

Client: Ludwig Kunststoffe GmbH & Co. KG
Location: Berg
Sector: Retail/Construction Industry

Our accomplishments:

Corporate design, direct marketing measures, corporate publishing, issuing all communication material, graphic design and branding (incl. Sub-marks)

memo AG

Client: memo AG
Location: Würzburg
Sector: mail order house

Our accomplishments: conception and graphic implementation of a direct mailing campaign for "family with kids at school" to school beginning. We also do the full handling of an extensive consumer product catalog in direct matching with the creative and conceptual decider of the memo AG.

Haubner GmbH

Client: Haubner GmbH
Location: Neumarkt i.d.OPf.
Sector: stairs, carports, canopy, balcony, handrail

Our accomplishments: 92-page catalog, web presence in responsive design, issuing mainfold communication material, LED lighting systems

PEKU Folien GmbH

Client: PEKU Folien GmbH
Location: Neumarkt i.d.OPf.
Sector: PE film production and packaging producer

Our accomplishments: corporate design manual, image brochure, web presence in responsive design

INEOS Styrolution Group GmbH

Client: INEOS Styrolution Group GmbH
Location: worldwide
Sector: polymer processing

Our accomplishements:
illuminated advertising, decor on glass, indoor signs, grafikdesign, picture editing and production of acoustic images

McKesson Europe AG

Client: McKesson Europe AG
Location: worldwide
Sector: Chemical Industry

Our accomplishments:
illuminated advertising, decor on glass, indoor signs, grafikdesign, picture editing and production of acoustic images

Raiffeisen Capital Management GmbH, Wien

Client: Raiffeisen Capital Management GmbH, Wien
Location: Vienna
Sector: Business park, Development

Our accomplishments:
guidance system, graphic design, planning und conceptional control


Client: THULE GmbH & Co. KG
Location: Germany / Sweden
Sector: Industry, Auto parts & Accessories

Our accomplishments:

Marketing conception, direct marketing, graphic design and production

netz & energie Betriebsgesellschaft mbH

Client: netz & energie Betriebsgesellschaft mbH
Location: Nuremberg
Sector: Power supply systems association, active nation-wide

Our accomplishments:

Corporate design, issuing all communication material, direct marketing, concept, web design and Internet presentation

Ristic AG

Client: Ristic AG
Location: Oberferrieden, subsidiaries worldwide
Sector: Import, Processing and Distribution of Seafood

Our accomplishments:

Comprehensive supervision since 1995, package design, branding, corporate design, corporate publishing, graphic design and branding trademarks

Hauff Kreative Shopsysteme

Client: Hauff Kreative Shopsystme, U.H. Spezialmöbel and Ladenbau GmbH
Location: Bad Schwartau
Sector: Retail store construction

Our accomplishments:

Corporate design, comprehensive supervision: marketing and communications, direct marketing, corporate publishing

Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt

Client: Hochschule Ingolstadt
Location: Ingolstadt
Sector: Hochschule (technical college)

Our accomplishments:

Graphic design, research report concept, pre-press

Berschneider + Berschneider

Customer: Berschneider + Berschneider
Location: Neumarkt
Industry: Architecture Office

Our services:
Collaboration for over two decades in the areas of sign making, graphic design, illuminated advertising, signage etc. for projects in the field of public buildings, museums and commercial properties.

REAL Fenster und Türen

Client: REAL Fenster und Türen GmbH
Location: Germany
Sector: Windows and Doorproducer

Our accomplishments:
digital printing, creating illuminated advertising incl. planning and visualisation, production


Client: ALEBMARLE Corporation
Location: Deutschland, United States, South Afrika, Asia
Section: chemical industry

Our accomplishments:
illuminated advertising, decor on glass, signs, grafikdesign, picture editing and production of acoustic images


Client: NOVUM
Location: Würzburg, Germany
Section: Real Estate Object

Our accomplishments:
Corporate Design Manual, Graphic design, concept, Real Estate marketing, branding and outdoor advertising concepts, incl. guidance system for manifold Real Estate development projects

Notare Dr. Mickisch und Dr. Heinemann

Client: Notare Dr. Mickisch und Dr. Heinemann
Location: Neumarkt i.d.OPf.
Section: Notariat

our accomplishments: Corporate Design Manual, decor on glass, in- and outdoor signage


Client Glanzkonzept
Location: Würzburg
Section: Waschanlage

Our accomplishments: illuminated advertising, incl. planning and visualization, production of the hole outdoor signage

Rehnig GmbH & Co. KG

Client: Rehnig GmbH & Co. KG
Location: Neustadt an der Aisch
Sector: Power supply systems association, Capital equipment manufacturer (Antenna technology)

Our accomplishments:
Corporate design, comprehensive supervision, direct marketing and web design

ANGA, Verband Deutscher Kabelnetzbetreiber e.V.

Client: ANGA, Verband Deutscher Kabelnetzbetreiber e.V.
Location: Bonn
Sector: Association

Our accomplishments:

Concept, planning and realising a nation-wide campaign targeting private homeowners.

emz Hanauer GmbH & Co. KGaA

Client: emz Hanauer GmbH & Co. KGaA
Location: Nabburg
Sector: home automation, environment engineering, household appliance

Our accomplishments:
corporate design, issuing mainfold communication material, fair concept, advertisement

Pfleiderer GmbH

Client: Pfleiderer GmbH
Location: Neumarkt i. d. Oberpfalz
Sector: Industry

Our accomplishments:

Project business with manifold above-the-line-activities since 1995

Jeremias GmbH

Client: Jeremias GmbH
Location: Deutschland / europaweite Standorte
Sector: Abgassysteme aus Edelstahl

Our accomplishments:
corporate design manual, issuing mainfold communication material, fair concept


Client: HUBER SE
Location: Berching, worldwide subsidiaries
Sector: Capital equipment manufacturer

Our accomplishments:

Creation and publishing a multi-lingual image brochure, concept for an international announcement campaign

Doughty Hanson & Co., Real Estate

Client: Doughty Hanson & Co., Real Estate
Location: London
Sector: Investment bank, Project developer

Our accomplishments:

Marketing supervision of Real Estate project developments (since 2001), graphic design, concept, branding / outdoor promotion concept and guidance systems

Museum für Historische Maybach Fahrzeuge

Client: Museum für Historische Maybach Fahrzeuge
Location: Neumarkt i. d. Oberpfalz
Sector: Investment bank, Project developer

Our accomplishments:

Marketing supervision of Real Estate project developments (since 2001), graphic design, concept, branding, outdoor promotion concept and guidance systems

WerkStadt Sendling

Client: WerkStadt Sendling (former Philip-Morris-Areal)
Location: Munich

Sector: Business park, Development projects

Our accomplishments:

Integrated supervision, graphic design, concept and creation of branding and outdoor promotion, incl. an extensive guidance system to corporate design

Wirtschaftsbeirat der Union e.V.

Client: Wirtschaftsbeirat der Union e. V.
Location: Munich

Sector: Association

Our accomplishments:

Concept, corporate design, issuing print-communication material

Rreef, Real Estate

Client: Rreef, Real Estate
Location: Frankfurt am Main, Munich

Sector: Investment bank, Development projects

Our accomplishments:

Marketing supervision for Real Estate project developments (since 2007), graphic design, concept, branding, outdoor promotional concepts and guidance systems

Uferstadt Fürth

Client: Uferstadt Fürth (former Grundig-Areal)
Location: Fürth

Sector: Business park, Development projects

Our accomplishments:

Integrated marketing supervision (since 2001), PR, graphic design, concept print-communication material, Internet portal, outdoor promotional concepts

Hochtief Property Management GmbH

Client: Hochtief Property Management GmbH
Location: Frankfurt am Main

Sector: Construction Industry, Development projects

Our accomplishments:

Graphic design, concept, branding and outdoor promotional concepts incl. guidance systems for manifold Real Estate Project Developments throughout Germany

Die Einrichtung Pröbster GmbH & Co. KG

Client: Die Einrichtung Pröbster GmbH & Co. KG
Location: Neumarkt i. d. Oberpfalz

Sector: Retail Furniture (Premium merchandise)

Our accomplishments:

Corporate design, graphic design, concept, planning and execution of all outdoor promotional materials incl. broad banners

Eberhard Faber GmbH

Client: Eberhard Faber GmbH
Location: Nuremberg

Sector: Stationary, Industry plasticine

Our accomplishments:

Graphic design, Concept, Issuing Print-communication material

Petry AG

Client: Petry AG
Location: Neumarkt i. d. Oberpfalz

Sector: Construction Industry, Building technology

Our accomplishments:

Corporate design, creating all communication tools, graphic design

Wodego GmbH

Client: Wodego GmbH
Location: Neumarkt i. d. Oberpfalz

Sector: Industry, Chipboard manufacturer

Our accomplishments:

Corporate publishing, graphic design, issuing print-communication tools, Trade Fair design (incl. personal digital press production)

Investa Asset Management GmbH

Client: Investa Asset Management GmbH
Location: Munich

Sector: Asset management, Real Estate project development

Our accomplishments:

Graphic design, concept, Real Estate marketing, branding and outdoor advertising concepts, incl. guidance system for manifold Real Estate development projects nation wide

Steuerberaterkammer Nürnberg e.V.

Client: Steuerberaterkammer Nuremberg e.V.
Location: Nuremberg

Sector: Corporation under public law

Our accomplishments:

Corporate design, comprehensive supervision, concept and graphic design, issuing manifold
Print-communication material, planning and execution of sign-posting and outdoor advertising

Bock GmbH & Co. KG

Client: Bock GmbH & Co. KG
Location: Pavelsbach

Sector: Industry

Our accomplishments:

Corporate design, comprehensive supervision, concept and graphic design, creating a master concept for the Bock catalogue, Print-communication material

HIH Hamburgische Immobilien Handlung GmbH

Client: HIH Hamburgische Immobilien Handlung GmbH
Location: Hamburg

Sector: Real Estate

Our accomplishments:

Graphic concepts, guidance system and branding for Real Estate objects and development projects as well as supervision upon re-leasing

Merz Reisen GmbH

Client: Merz Reisen GmbH
Location: Gnadenberg

Sector: Travel agency

Our accomplishments:
Concept and graphic design, various accomplishments from our Production & Advertising Technology Department

Sumida Deutschland AG

Client: Sumida Germany AG
Location: Obernzell

Sector: Industry

Our accomplishments:

Concept and graphic design, carrying out diverse advertising concepts


Client: KPMG AG
Location: Nuremberg and nation-wide
Sector: Economic consulting

Our accomplishments:

Concept and graphic design, carrying out divers advertising concepts

Fritz Berger GmbH

Client: Fritz Berger GmbH
Location: Neumarkt i. d. Oberpfalz

Sector: Mail order business

Our accomplishments:

Concept and graphic design, execution of the advertising master plan at the new company site.

Sintec Informatik GmbH

Client: Sintec Informatik GmbH
Location: Fürth

Sector: IT

Our accomplishments:

Graphic design, creating illuminated advertising incl. planning and visualisation, out- and indoor advertising concepts, incl. guidance system

Gesundheitszentrum Giesing

Client: Gesandheitszentrum Giesing
Location: Munich

Sector: Health care

Our accomplishments:

Comprehensive advertising concept, sign-posting and branding on site, illuminated advertising, guidance system and supervision of all signposts for tenants.

Dorfner KG

Client: Dorfner KG
Location: Nuremberg

Sector: Facility Management

Our accomplishments:

Graphic design, creating illuminated advertising, incl. planning and visualisation

Petter Ingenieure GmbH

Client: Petter Ingenieure GmbH
Location: Neumarkt i. d. Oberpfalz

Sector: Civil engineering office

Our accomplishments:

Corporate design, creating all means of communication material, graphic design and branding

FS Fuchs Systembau GmbH

Client: FS Fuchs Systembau GmbH
Location: Berching

Sector: Construction industry

Our accomplishments:

Corporate design, complete supervision, concept and graphic design, drawing up print-communication material, diverse services from our Production & Advertising Technology Department

Quartier am Markt

Client: Quartier am Markt
Location: Neumarkt i.d.OPf.
Sector: real estate

Our accomplishments:
branding, exposé, advertising campaign

IHK Management Kolleg in Ostbayern

Client: IHK Management Kolleg in Ostbayern
Location: Regensburg
Sector: further education

Our accomplishments:
image brochure, branding, graphic design, corporate design manual

Landhaus am Lenzenberg

Client: Landhaus am Lenzenberg
Location: Altdorf bei Nuremberg
Sector: Hotelier

Our accomplishments:

Corporate design, issuing all communication material, concept /
web design and Internet presentation

Wache GmbH

Client: Wache GmbH
Location: Hamburg / Lübeck
Sector: Retail (Wheels, Rollers and Transport devices) and Capital equipment manufacturer (precision engineering)

Our accomplishments:
Corporate design, corporate publishing, issuing all communication material, graphic design, web design and realisation of Internet presentation

Maschinenbau Silberhorn GmbH

Client: Maschinenbau Silberhorn GmbH
Location: Parsberg
Sector: Machine construction, Capital equipment manufacturer

Our accomplishments:
Corporate design, corporate publishing, issuing all communication material, graphic design, web design and realisation of their Internet presentation

Rockwood Lithium

Client: Rockwood Lithium
Location: Frankfurt a. M.
Sector: lithium raw material producer

Our accomplishments:
illuminated advertising, decor on glass, signs, grafikdesign, picture editing and production of acoustic images

Otto Versand GmbH & Co. KG

Client: Otto Versand GmbH & Co. KG (baumarkt direkt)
Location: Hamburg
Sector: Mail order business

Our accomplishments:

Concept: direct communications, graphic design, pre-press

CK Chemie GmbH

Client: CK Chemie GmbH
Location: Mönchengladbach
Sector: Chemical Industry

Our accomplishments:

Corporate design, issuing all communication material, planning and concept outdoor promotional presence