Gerd Ortner Advertising

Good ideas have a home.


Marketing concept for a property development project.

Naming, corporate design and implementation of all components of communication: from the building-information-sign to the website, the extensive 36-page exposé, a smart ad-campaign and a complementary placement of satellite notifications in the newspaper: All this is included in the task package, that we implemented for the marketers of this real estate project in record time.

Marketing concept for a property development project.
Marketing concept for a property development project.
Marketing concept for a property development project.
Marketing concept for a property development project.
Marketing concept for a property development project.
Marketing concept for a property development project.

Our clients benefit from our longtime-experience in design and support of real estate projects throughout whole Germany.

The result of active marketing measures is a well above-average from the beginning of awareness among the target group with a correspondingly high number of potential buyers.