Gerd Ortner Advertising

Good ideas have a home.


Conception of new marketingcommunication for staircase manufacturer

Since more then 50 years the middlesized enterprise produces staircases in all construction methods and materials. With headquarters in Germany and Czech Republic the company is one of the market leader in its industrial sector.
We created the considerably new catalogue (92 pages) and the informative website in responsive design for this successful enterprise. Our performance included also the fotoshootings on location and the editorial text passages.

Conception of new marketingcommunication for staircase manufacturer
Conception of new marketingcommunication for staircase manufacturer
Conception of new marketingcommunication for staircase manufacturer
Conception of new marketingcommunication for staircase manufacturer
Conception of new marketingcommunication for staircase manufacturer
Conception of new marketingcommunication for staircase manufacturer
Conception of new marketingcommunication for staircase manufacturer
Conception of new marketingcommunication for staircase manufacturer
Conception of new marketingcommunication for staircase manufacturer
Conception of new marketingcommunication for staircase manufacturer
Conception of new marketingcommunication for staircase manufacturer